Welcome to the Joe Clark Hot Lunch on-line system. This application is meant to facilitate the ordering and management of school lunch orders for both parents and the Right Honourable Joe Clark Parent Council. Please feel free to contact us with any suggestions or problems you have with the system. The email for the hot lunch coordinator is hotlunch.joeclark@hotmail.com
***Hot Lunch has been changed from Friday, March 21st to Thursday, March 20th due to the Calendar Change. All orders made for March 21st have been moved to March 20th.
HOW TO REGISTER: Click on the "Register" tab. Complete the rest of the registration form. (including your email address which will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines and your child(ren)'s hot lunch order for the upcoming week. Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom. Follow the instructions to add each of your children attending Joe Clark School. Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders". Then you are ready to order Hot Lunch.
PLEASE NOTE: All accounts get deleted for year end clean up during the summer and you will be required to re-register your child(ren) for the new school year 2024/25.
ALL ORDERS MUST BE ENTERED AND PAID FOR ONLINE using PayPal. You may also do e-transfer into our Parent Council account JoeClark-PC@hotmail.com. No cash or cheques will be accepted. If doing e-transfer - please put your child's name and hot lunch in the comments when sending.
All orders must be sent to the vendors a week before the hot lunch date therefore, all orders must be paid in full a week prior to the Hot Lunch Date or they will be cancelled. A weekly hot lunch reminder and one payment reminder email will be sent out to parents prior to orders being cancelled.
**When a student is absent: If no prior arrangements have been made via emailing the hot lunch coordinator at hotlunch.joeclark@hotmail.com or contacting Pam at the office, that child's hot lunch order will be donated to another student. There will be no credits issued since that order would already have been placed and paid for with the vendor.
This is a fundraiser for our School Parent Council. All funds raised help our school.
Thank you for your support.
Powered by Hot Lunches On-Line - www.hotlunches.net - - March 30, 2025 3:38pm - DB: Current 0
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